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Image HW Film, Product range waterjet cutting systems, Härtel Water

Härtel water waterjet cutter and areas of application

Our mechanical engineering has built over 1,200 water jet cutters and over 1,200 high-pressure pumps. Quality from Europe that has proven itself to this day.

Area of application water jet cutting

Mechanical engineering, toolmaking, steel construction, glass industry, metal construction, apparatus construction, wood industry, packaging industry, paper industry, automotive, medical technology, sliding linings, friction linings, plastics industry, special machine construction, contract manufacturing, prototype construction, other industry, energy industry, construction industry, repair shops

We are a supplier of high-quality water jet cutting systems and BFT high-pressure pumps. Our products have proven themselves in practice and are praised consistently positively by our customers. Thanks to our know-how from over 30 years of experience in the industry, we can offer our customers the best possible products.

We discusson site, the right area of application for your new water jet cutting system. Whether you need to cut steel plates, shaped plates, pipes or square material. We can manufacture the cutting systems according to your requirements.

Industry and use of waterjet cutting systems

Metalworking and waterjet cutting:

Wasserstrahlschneiden in 2D und 3D, für die Metallverarbeitung. Präzision und Effizienz für die Automobil- und Maschinenbauindustrie

Plastics processing and waterjet cutting:

Tailor-made solutions for plastics processing. Precise cuts for high-quality plastic components. Waterjet cutting in 2D and 3D.

Stone, tile industry and water jet cutting:

Waterjet cutting in the stone and tile industry: Perfect cuts for impressive designs in 2D and 3D. Waterjet cutting at its best.

Glass industry and waterjet cutting:

Waterjet cutting in 2D and 3D, precision cutting solutions for glass processing. Quality and creativity in the glass industry, also as Compact .

Prototypes, manufacturing and waterjet cutting:

Fast and precise waterjet cutting. For prototypes and small series production, in 2D and 3D cutting. Also in the Compact series, on the smallest of surfaces.

Electronics industry and waterjet cutting:

Waterjet cutting for the electronics industry. Precise 2D cuts for circuit boards and electronic components

Aerospace and waterjet cutting:

Waterjet cutting in 2D and 3D for aerospace. Precision and reliability for demanding applications.

Medical and dental industry and waterjet cutting:

Waterjet cutting 2D and 3D in the medical and dental industry: precise cuts for medical devices and implants, in pure water and abrasive.

Advertising and design industry and waterjet cutting:

Innovative waterjet cutting in 2D and 3D, for creative projects with excellent results for advertising and design

Standard or special cutting systems

Technology waterjet cutting, Härtel water, configuration, special machine construction
Waterjet cutting system with independent 2 portals
Waterjet cutting system with shuttle table
Recycling system for abrasive material,

recycling plant

Water jet cutting system with 2 portals

Water jet cutting system with shuttle table

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